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At St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, we recognise that all pupils are entitled to a quality of provision that will enable them to achieve their potential. We believe in positive intervention, removing barriers to learning, raising expectations and levels of achievement and working in partnership with other agencies in order to provide a positive educational experience for all our pupils including those with a special educational need or disability.

Our school recognises there are particular groups of pupils whose circumstances require additional consideration by those who work with them to support their SEN.

At St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, it is the responsibility of our SENDCO, Miss Cutter, to ensure staff in school understand the implications for those children who are looked after and have SEN.

At St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, we ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs make the best possible progress. Most of our school policies can be found on the website or available on request from the school office, please visit our policies page for a list.

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Updated | 15th January, 2025 |

Latest News


Year 1 had a fabulous time snowtubing at Silksworth Ski Slope. We enjoyed hot chocolate and Santa even popped in to say hello! What a wonderful way to end the term!

Gardening Gang

Gardening gang have been planting 4000 crocus bulbs which were donated from the Rotary club in Washington. We are looking forward to February when we should see some beautiful purple crocus flowers blossoming on the garden.

Donations to Washington Community Food Project

The mini-vinnies collected items for the Washington Community Food Project and the People’s Kitchen. In school the children learned about how important it is to help those people who may be less fortunate than themselves, which links to our school Christian values.


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